The Electronic Scripture library is a collection of links to sources of benefit to teachers, and students of the Sacred Scriptures.
ABZU Web Site (
ABZU Web Site, based at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, is the first site to check for new resources in the area of the ancient Near East. Abzu offers multiple points of access to the growing number of resources located on the Internet.
Amazing Discoveries in Biblical Archaeology (
Amazing Discoveries in Bible Archaeology A list of sites in Biblical Archaeology and the Dead Sea Scrolls. It also allows one to search for Books on Archaeology and search the Web for Biblical Archaeology web links
Ancient Israel and Biblical Archaeololgy (
A listing of archaeological sites and related web sites arranged according to Archaeological site
Archaeology (
A listing of Archaeology sites by subject compiled at Princeton Univeristy
Archaeology and the Bible (
Archaeology and the Bible answers question about biblical archaeology from a Christian apologetics position
Archaeology in Israel (
Archaeology in Israel is maintained by the Information Division of the Israel Foreign Ministry. It is a listing of archaeological sites in Israel, organized by month and site name. Contact information for each site is listed and other helpful information for volunteers is available.
ArchNet Archaeological Library (
Archaeology in Israel serves as the World Wide Web Virtual Library for Archaeology. This server provides access to archaeological resources available on the Internet. Information is categorized by geographic region and subject.
Ashmolean Museum (
Ashmolean Museum Home Page. This page holds great promise. The Cast Gallery has several images with links to dictionary entries and other materials.
Bible Review (
A magazine of Biblical insights and exquisite art, Bible Review gives the popular reader first-rate, reader-friendly Biblical Scholarship. BR covers both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, illuminating the text with the latest insights of modern Biblical research.
Biblical Archaeologist (
Biblical Archaeologist Excerpts and whole articles published in recent issues.
Biblical Archaeology (
Biblical Archaeology focuses on the peoples and cultures of the Levant, and other regions as they relate to the biblical record, during the biblical period.
The Biblical Archaeology Society (
The Biblical Archaeology Society has been presenting the excitement of archaeological discovery and ground breaking Bible scholarship to a popular audience for 25 years through magazines and books. This site connects to the sites for Biblical Archaeology Review and Bible Review.
Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology (
Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology collects links to internet resources of interest to classicists and Mediterranean archaeologists.
Colby College Archaeological Projects – Sephoris Excavations(
Colby College Archaeological Projects in Israel. Thomas Longstaff maintains this homepage which focuses on the excavations of Colby College at Sepphoris, Israel.
The Israel Museum Site (
The Israel Museum Site is a web site that presents material from the Israel Museum arranged by Time Period and arranged in sections on Costumes, Water Systems, Food, People etc.
Oriental Institute (
Oriental Institute The home page of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
The Tel Hazor Excavation Project (
The Tel Hazor Excavation Project provides information about Tel Hazor and information for prospective volunteers who may wish to participate in further excavations at Hazor.
The World of the Bible
Palestine in the Time of Jesus (
Palestine in the Time of Jesus is a Website to accompany KC Hanson and Douglas Oakman’s book Palestine in the Time of Jesus: Social Institution and Social Conflicts. It contains links to documents and graphics which are not in the Book.
Greece and Rome
Ancient Classics in Bologna (
Ancient Classics in Bologna. Rassegna degli Strumenti Informatici per lo Studio dell’Antichità Classica, by Alessandro cristofori at the University of Bologna.
Ancient Rome: Images and Pictures (
This web site maintained by Felix Just contains over 350 captioned pictures of Ancient rome
Ancient World Web (
Ancient World Web is the Ultimate Index on the Ancient World. Actually, rather than an index, this site offers links to a wide selection of sites concerned with the “ancient world.” Still, it is a useful gathering of resources and is worth checking for new resources or general browsing.
Arachnion (
ARACHNION is a Journal of Ancient Literature and History on the Web. One of the new electronic journals to appear on the World Wide Web with both editors and an editorial board. This is a referred journal, and the editors are seeking articles of quality comparable to print journals.
Atrium Bibliotheca (
Atrium Bibliotheca is a site dedicated to the world of Classics and Ancient History discussions through the medium of e-mail. This page offers a list of resources which Classicists might find useful. This site is being rebuilt after a crash so some resources may not be available.
Classics Collections Page (
The University of Florida Classics Collections Page is a compendium of resources, databases, etexts, electronic journals, and sites on Greek and Roman History, Art and Archaeology, and Classical Mythology
Department of Ancient Classics Links List (
A listing of Classics resources – Societies, News and Gateways
Electronic Resources of Interest to Students of Classics (
Electronic Resources of Interest to Students of Classics contains links to national and state Classics organizations, Electronic Journals, Museums, Classics Departments home pages, and Useful Classics related sites.
Encyclopedia Mythica (
The Encyclopedia Mythica, Encyclopedia of Folklore, Etc.
Interactive Ancient Mediterranean (
The Interactive Ancient Mediterranean is an on-line atlas of the ancient Mediterranean world designed to serve the needs and interests of students and teachers in high school, community college and university courses in classics, ancient history, geography, archaeology and related fields.
Interent Resources for the Classics (
Internet Resources for the Classics contains pointers to general directories of information pertaining to the Classics. These are userful starting points for searches
Library of Congress Classics (
The Library of Congress Classics Collections Page
Professor KC Hanson’s Web Site (
This site contains an article on using the Web for ancient studies, a collection of 250 classified links to the ancient world Websites, and a collection of 100 classified links to world religions Websites, classified bibliographies, and a collection of ancient documents
Perseus Project (
The Perseus Project is a teaching and research tool that combines in a multimedia database environment resources for the study of ancient Greek literature, history, art and archaeology. In addition the site maintains links to several other sites of interest to classicists.
Perseus Atlas Project (
The Perseus Atlas Project is part of the Perseus Project containing Landsat satellite data, gazetteer of archaeological sites, and a linking of references in classical texts to actual geographic features in the Geographic Information System.
Resources on the Internet for Ancient History and Classics (
There is a constantly growing number of excellent resources available. These range from tables of contents of journals to electronic journals to illustrated tours of archaeological sites and museums. Also, there is a growing number of comprehensive lists of these resources available. I shall make no attempt at duplicating excellent work already done by others and shall list here only a selection, to serve as an entry “key”. |
Rugters University Religion Department: Greco-Roman Links (
Rutgers University Religion Department Virtural Religion Index is a collection of General Resources and Langauge tools for the study of Greece and Rome.
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is a site devoted to the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the other Wonders of the Ancient world, wonders of the Modern world, and natural Wonders. It also provides several links to resources in Near Eastern, Greek and Roman studies.
Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists (
TOCS-IN: Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists is listing of tables of contents form journals in the classics. It lists more than 13,000 from over 160 journals.
University of Chicago Classics Dept. Home Page
The University of Chicago Libraries and the Classics Department Home Page which contains useful resources for Classics with Links to other resources on the Internet
Ancient Near East
Ancient Near Eastern Links (
Ancient Near Eastern links of William Clay Poe which are good places to begin searching for information on the web.
Edinburgh Ras Shamra Project (
Edinburgh Ras Shamra Project offers both images of tablets from Ugarit and information on the Ugaritic language. The texts currently available are accompanied by transliterations and translations
The Old Testament and the Ancient Near East (
This is the Website of Dr. Ralph W. Klein which contains many materials on Old Testament including sample Power Point class lectures, writing of Dr. Klein Materials on the history of Israel and Much More.
Rutgers University Religion Dept Ancient Near East Links (
Rutgers University Religion Dept Ancient Near East Links is a collection of General resources and Language tools for study of the Ancient Near East. There are subsection devoted to Anatolia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, and Syria and Palestine
University of Chicago Ancient Near East Home Page (
The University of Chicago Libraries and Ancient Near East Department home page which contains useful resources for Ancient Near Eastern Studies such as Guides to UC Catalogs, Bibliographic Databases, Electronic Journals and Full Text Resources.
Women in the Ancient Near East (
This site contains a bibliography focusing on Women in the Ancient Near East from materials acquired by the Oriental Institute between 1988 and 1992.
Annual Egyptological Bibliography (
Annual Egyptological Bibliography is published by the International Association of Egyptologists in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for the Near East.
Egyptology Resources (
Egyptology Resources is maintained by Nigel Strudwick It originated with the assistance of the Newton Institute in the University of Cambridge, to provide a source of Egyptological information on the World Wide Web. It begins with a very good opening graphic
Egyptology at UCLA: Resources (
Egyptology at UCLA: Resources is a collection of links to the Web containing texts, centers. booksellers, and individual egyptological home pages.
Kemet General Archaeological And Egyptological Resources (
Kemet General Archaeological and Egyptological Resources contains links to ancient Egypt sites on the Web.
Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity
Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity lists a number of sites on the Internet that are useful for the study of Judaism and Christianity. The list is necessarily partial, provisional, and even parochial. A casual glance will show how Penn-centered it is.
Introduction to Talmud Course (
The Introduction to Talmud Course is a demonstration area for Introduction to Talmud, an on-line course offered by the Jewish Theological Seminary. This fully-featured demo area will allow one to get a feel for the course. This is a good example of the internet as a tool for teaching
Ioudaios (
Articles previously appearing in the Ioudaios list indexed by author for retrieval.
Ioudaios Review (
Companion electronic home page to the group Ioudaios which focus on reviews of material of interest to scholars of early Judaism and related fields.
Judaism and Jewish Resources (
Judaism and Jewish resources is one of the most complete listings of links to other sites and of material related to Judaism and Jewish Studies
Rutgers University Religion Dept – Virtual Religion Index: Judaic Studies Links (
Rutgers University Religion Dept Ancient Near East Links is a collection of General Resources and Language tools for the Study of Judaism and Judaica
The Tanach Directory (
The Tanach Directory from Shamash included the Hebrew text of the Tanach and links to all the known Divrei Torah on the Internet.
The Tanach Study Center (
The Tanach Study Center is designed to provide the student of the Torah with a structured learning program for self-study of Tanach.
The Torah Net Page (
The Torah Net Page lists sources for studying the Torah on the Internet.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Archaeology and the Dead Sea Scrolls (
Part of the Jewish Roman World Jesus Web site Maintained by Dr. James W. Tabor, this site contains basic facts regarding the Dead Sea SCrolls, Material on Crucifixion, references to Josephus, and Masada.
Dead Sea Scrolls (
Dead Sea Scrolls is a index to various resources on the web on the Dead Sea Scrolls
Dead Sea Scrolls Home Page (
Introduction, general information, pictures of Fragments and general information on the Dead Sea Scrolls
Dead Sea Scrolls Rutgers University (
This site contains a very detailed Timetable of Discovery and Debate in the history of the Dead Sea Scroll. There are significant hyperlinks to places, people and events in that history.
Dead Sea Scrolls Seminar of Robert Kraft (
Religious Studies 225. Robert Kraft’s home page at the U Penn. This link leads to archives from Robert Kraft’s seminar on the Dead Sea Scrolls at the U Penn, Spring Term 1995.
Dead Sea Scrolls Texts online (
Dead Sea Scrolls texts online at the University of Pennsylvania Computer Center for the Analysis of Texts
The Essenes and the Scrolls of Qumran (
This site contains a history of the discovery of the scrolls and history of the Essene Community through citations of Josephus and Philo.
Educational Site on the Dead Sea Scrolls (
Part of the West Semitic Research Project, this site treats the discover of the Dead Sea Scrolls and various scrolls that were found in the caves of Qumran.
Jerusalem’s Essene Gateway (
This is an article originally published in Biblical Archaeology Review by Fr. Bargil Pixner on the location of the Essene community in the time of Jesus
The Messianic Elite (
This web site contains material on the Habakkuk Pesher and the War Rule.
The Mount Zion Project in Jerusalem (
The goal of the Mount Zion Project is to finally explore the area just inside what is believed to be, the Essene gate. The Essene gate, which is now in ruins, was part of the wall surrounding First Century (Herodian) Jerusalem. Excavated by archaeologist Bargil Pixner in 1977, the gate is mentioned by Flavius Josephus in his description of the Walls of Jerusalem (Wars B5, C4.2 -145).
Online Texts Related to the Dead Sea Scrolls (
This site collects several texts both primary and secondary which pertain to the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls (
The Orion Center for the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature was established in 1995 to stimulate and foster research on the scrolls, provide a forum for the unique scroll opportunities in Jerusalem, and to coordinate research being carried out at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This Website is intended to further those goals while providing educational, scholarly, and Orion Center-specific information. The site contains general information on the Scrolls and a Cave Tour
The Scrolls from the Dead Sea (
The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship is an online version of the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit at the Library of Congress
Scrolls from the Dead Sea Library of Congress Exhibit (
This site contains material on the community the produced the scrolls, the Library of scrolls, and the debate that is raging 2000 years after the writing of the scrolls.
The Scrolls for the Dead Sea (
The exhibition Scrolls From the Dead Sea: The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship brings before the American people a selection from the scrolls which have been the subject of intense public interest. Over the years questions have be en raised about the scrolls’ authenticity, about the people who hid them away, about the period in which they lived, about the secrets the scrolls reveal, and about the intentions of the scrolls’ custodians in restricting access. The Library’s exhibition describes the historical context of the scrolls and the Qumran community from whence they may have originated; it also relates the story of their discovery 2,000 years later. In addition, the exhibition encourages a better understanding of the challenge s and complexities connected with scroll research
Biblical Studies
All in One Biblical Resources (
The All in One Biblical Resources Search contains links and search engines for Bible Versions and Translations, Biblical Resource Sites, Various Sites on the Ancient World, and Sites on General Academic and Religion.
The Bible Gateway (
The Bible Gateway allows searches of various translations of the Bible, by passage or search words with Boolean operators. It also offers searchable translations of the Bible into other languages.
Bibelwissehschaft (
Bibelwissenschaft is the Best European site for biblical studies and related areas, with extensive links to source materials and other resources on the Internet. Of particular interest isthe listing of computer resources for biblical studies, which has links to both software and electronic texts.
Bible Institute of Fribourg University (
Biblical Institue of Fribourg University provides timely information on the current activities of the Biblical Institute, Information on volumes of Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis and Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus, backlist and new/forthcoming.
Catholic Church Documents (
Full texts of all Catholic Church Documents on Biblical Research
Computer Assisted Bible Analysis (
Computer Assisted Bible Analysis is maintained by Harry Hahne. Includes Bible fonts for Windows, Internet courses on humanities computing, reviews of Bible search software, scholarly essays pertaining to computer-assisted analysis of biblical texts, and other resources (FAQs, discussion groups, etc.)
Into His Own: Perspective on the World of Jesus (
Into His Own is designed as a tool for the historical study of Christian scriptures. Since the works in the New Testament were composed in implicit and explicit dialogue with first century champions of Jewish tradition, the bulk of the passages in this site have been excerpted from works written by Jewish authors, especially those composed after the Hebrew scriptures that can be found in any Christian “Old Testament’. But there are also selections from non-Jewish sources that help bring the writings of Christian authors into clearer cultural perspective.
The New Testament Gateway (
The New Testament Gateway is intended to help both students and scholars in their research into the New Testament on the internet. It is a comprehensive, up to date, annotated directory of good academic New Testament Internet Resources. Hence is recommended as the place to begin Biblical Studies Research on the web by the Academic Info Website.
The Resource Page for Biblical Studies (
The Resource Page for Biblical Studies: This Resource Page is maintained by Torry Seland at Volda College in Norway.
TC: A Journal for Biblical Textual Criticism
TC: A Journal for Biblical Textual Criticism is an electronic, peer-reviewed, journal focusing on biblical textual criticism. The journal contains full-length articles, shorter textual notes, project reports and book reviews.
Hebrew Bible
Hebrew Bible Bibliography (
Hebrew Bible Bibliography is a short bibliography of the Hebrew Bible from Divinity Library, Vanderbilt University
Navigating the Bible (
Navigating the Bible Old Testament. This site began as a place where young boys and girls could prepare for their Bar/Bath Mitzvah. However, it was felt that the project should be expanded to cover not only the needs of those for whom it was originally aimed, but also to provide a means by which others might explore the Five Books of Moses from a number of different perspectives. It provides Real Audio clips for pronunciation of texts.
The Old Testament and the Ancient Near East (
This is the Website of Dr. Ralph W. Klein which contains many materials on Old Testament including sample Power Point class lectures, writing of Dr. Klein Materials on the history of Israel and Much More.
The New Testament
Historical Introduction to the New Testament (
This site is based on the book of the same name published by Robert Grant. It looks logically at many questions concerning the New Testament. Much exegesis of the New Testament has suffered from its lack not of theological but of logical method.
Biblical Manuscripts
Book of Kells (
Images from the Book of Kells and links to further sites on the Book of Kells
Manuscripts and Documents on NT (
A collection of Manuscripts and documents on the New Testament including an analysis of the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, Greek and English, along with a series of essays on New Testament topics.
Ancient Christianity
Wabash Center’s Guide to Resources on Early Christianity
The Wabash Center’s Guide to Internet Resources pages on Early Christianity contains teaching resources, texts, journals and web sites dedicated to Ancient Christianity.
Biblical Books
The Synoptic Gospels
The Synoptic Problem
Four Color Synopsis of the Synoptic Gospels (
Each synoptic gospel is divided by pericope into separate sections according to divisions of Huck’s and Throckmorton’s synopses. Each section has the Greek text in three parallel columns in canonical order, and in order to facilitate the presentation of relevant parallel the Huck sections are broken down if the parallel synoptic text is out of sequence within a section.
Mark without Q (
Mark without Q is a Synoptic Problem web page that has over 1000 visitors every month and is one of the best Synoptic Problem sites on the Net. It is maintained by Dr. Mark Goodacre
New Testament Study Helps: The Synoptic Problem (
New Testament Study Helps: The Synoptic Problem is an exposition of the Nature of the Synoptic Problem, and a History of the solutions to the Synoptic Problem. Much of the material is drawn from Donald Guthrie’s New Testament Introduction
The Present State of the Synoptic Problem (
The Present State of the Synoptic Problem is an essay by William R. Farmer which is a slightly different version of a paper that appeared in Literary Studies in Luke-Acts: Essays in Honor of Joseph B.
Synoptic Problem Home Page (
The Synoptic Problem Home Page maintained by Stephen Carlson. It contains bibliography, chronology, and a multi colored synopsis illustrating the interrelationships between the Synoptic Gospels.
Synoptic Problem Website (
The synoptic problem concerns the literary relationship between the first three “synoptic” gospels of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The Synoptic Problem Website surveys proposed solutions and provides a clearing-house for materials related to its resolution.
The Gospel of Matthew
Texts of the Gospel of Mathew
The Blue Letter Bible of Matthew (
The Blue Letter Bible Gospel of Matthew is a full text of the Gospel of Matthew with many additional resources such as Strong’s numbers, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and several Versions available.
The Net Bible Gospel of Matthew (
The Net Bible Gospel of Matthew is a text of the Gospel of Matthew with translator’s notes and study Notes. (Be sure to choose the Frames Version and then Luke)
General Resources on Gospel of Matthew
Lectionary Resources: Matthew (
The Text this Week Matthew Section is a listing of all texts of Matthew used in the Lectionary complete with hyperlinks to resources for analysis of each text, and hyperlinks to the liturgical celebrations in which they are utilized.
General Resources: Matthew (
The Text this Week General Resources for the Gospel of Matthew contains several links to general resources, articles and reviews pertinent to the Gospel of Matthew
NAB Introduction to Matthew (
The New American Bible Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew
Fitzmyer, Joseph (
“And Lead us not into Temptation” Biblica 84 (2003) 259-273
Menken, H.L. (
“The Old Testament Quotation in Matthew 27, 9-10:Textual Form and Context” Biblica 83 (2002) 305-328
Mowery, Robert L. (
“Son of God in Roman Imperial Titles and Matthew” Biblica 83 (2002) 100-110
Paffenroth, Kim (
“Jesus as anointed and Healing Son of David in the Gospel of Matthew” Biblica 80 (1999) 547-554
Rastoin, Marc (
“Pierre ‘fils la colombe’ en Mt 16.17” Biblica 83 (2002) 549-555
Talbert, Charles (
“Indicative and Imperative in Matthaean Soteriology” Biblica 82 (2001) 515-538
The Gospel of Mark
Texts of the Gospel of Mark
The Blue Letter Bible of Mark (
The Blue Letter Bible Gospel of Mark is a full text of the Gospel of Mark with many additional resources such as Strong’s numbers, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and several Versions available.
The Net Bible: Gospel of Mark (
The NetBible Gospel of Mark is a text of the Gospel of Mark with translator’s notes and study Notes. (Be sure to choose the Frames Version and then Mark)
General Resources on Gospel of Mark
Lectionary Resources: Mark (
The Text this Week Mark Section is a listing of all texts of Mark used in the Lectionary complete with hyperlinks to resources for analysis of each text, and hyperlinks to the liturgical celebrations in which they are utilized.
General Resources: Mark (
The Text this Week General Resources for the Gospel of Mark contains several links to general resources, articles and reviews pertinent to the Gospel of Mark
NAB Introduction to Mark (
The New American Bible Introduction to the Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Mark: a Commentary with Meditation (
The text of the Gospel of Mark complete with meditations
Bible Studies: Gospel of Mark (
This resource contains verse by verse resources on the Gospel of Mark
Danove, Paul (
The Rhetoric of Characterization of Jesus as the Son of Man and Christ in Mark Biblica 84 (2003) 16-34
Haren, Michael J. (
The Naked Young Man: a Historian’s Hypothesis on Mark 14, 51-52 Biblica 79 (1998) 525-531
Johnson, Earl S., (
Mark 15,39 and the So called Confession of the Roman Centurion Biblica 81 (2000) 406-413
Kim, Tae Hun (
“The Anarthrous ui(oj qeou= in Mark 15,39 and the Roman Imperial Cult” Biblica 79 (1998) 221-241
The Gospel of Luke
Texts of the Gospel of Luke
The Blue Letter Bible Gospel of Luke (
The Blue Letter Bible Gospel of Luke is a full text of the Gospel of Luke with many additional resources such as Strong’s numbers, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and several Versions available. The Gospel of Luke ( Gospel of Luke is a text of the Gospel of Luke with translator’s notes and study Notes. (Be sure to choose the Frames Version and then Luke)
Color Coded Gospel of Luke (
Color Coded Gospel of Luke is a text of the Gospel of Luke coded to show material taken from Mark (blue), Q material (red), and Luke’s unique material (orange)
General Resources for Research on the Gospel of Luke
Lectionary Resources: Luke (
The Text this Week Luke Section is a listing of all texts of Luke used in the Lectionary complete with hyperlinks to resources for analysis of each text, and hyperlinks to the liturgical celebrations in which they are utilized.
General Resources for the Gospel of Luke (
The Text this Week General Resources for the Gospel of Luke contains several links to general resources, articles and reviews pertinent to the Gospel of Luke
NAB Introduction to Luke (
The New American Bible Introduction to the Gospel of Luke
Resources on the Gosepl of Luke (
The Bible Gateway. Resources on the Gospel of Luke
Gospel of Luke: A Meditative Commentary (
The Gospel of Luke: A commentary and Meditation for Daily study and reflection
“From Jesus to Christ” Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of Luke section of the Story of the Story Tellers” From Jesus to Christ”
Boehler, D., (
“Jesus als Davidsohn bei Lukas und Micha” Biblica 79 (1998) 533-538
Craig, William Lane, (
“The Disciples’ Inspection of the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:12,24; Jn 20:2-10” in A. Denaux (ed.) John and the Synoptics, (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 101; Louvain: Leuven University Press, 1992), pp. 614-619.
Kilgallen, J. J., (
“Jesus’ First Trial: Messiah and the Son of God (Luke 22:66-71)” Biblica 80 (1999) 401-414.
Kilgallen, J. J., (
“The Importance of the Redactor in Luke 18:9-14” Biblica 79 (1998), p. 69-45
Kilgallen, J.J. (
The Obligation to Heal: Luke 13:10-17″ Biblica 82 (2001) 402-409
Kilgallen, J.J. (
Mary and Martha: Why at Luke 10, 38-42? Biblica 84 (2003) 554-561
Landry, David (
“Narrative Logic in the Annunciation to Mary (Luke 1:26-38)”, Journal of Biblical Literature 114 (1995), pp. 65-79.
Landry, David and May, Ben (
“Honor Restored: New Light on the Parable of the Unjust Servant (Luke 16:1-8a)”, Journal of Biblical Literature 119 (2000), pp. 287-309.
O’Toole, R. F. (
“How does Luke Portray Jesus as Servant of YHWH,” Biblica 81 (2000), pp. 328-346.
Topel, John (
“What Kind of Sign are Vultures? Luke 17, 37b” Biblica 84 (2003) 403-411
The Gospel of John
General Sites
Johannine Literature Website (
The Johannine Literature Website is the site of Rev. Felix Just dedicated tdo the academic study of the Gospel according to John and the Letters of John
Text This Week Johannine Resources (
This site is an extensive listing of resources on the web for the study of the Gospel of John including extensive book reviews on the Gospel of John
The Blue Letter Bible – Gospel of John (
This is a text of the Gospel of John with links to cross references in the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and to concording tools in both Greek and English
The Johannine Literature – Homepage for Research (
This site contains extensive bibliography of Books and Articles for the study of the Gospel of John. It is maintained by Armand J. Gagne, Jr.
Introduction to the Gospel of John (
From the NCCB/USCC Site, this is an introduction to the Gospel of John found in the New American Bible
Catholic Bible Study Outlines – Gospel of John (
A Commentary on the Gospel of John. Scroll down the page to get the the section on John
A Commentary on the Gospel of John (
Divided into Chapters, this site provides information on the gospel of John from reputable sources.
The Gospel of John: Introduction, Argument, Outline.
This site contains introductory material on the Gospel of John
From Jesus to Christ (
The Story of the Story Tellers: Gospel of John. This site contains notes on the Gospel of John to accompany the PBS Series from Jesus to Christ.
Encyclopedia Articles
“Gospel of John” Article (
from the Catholic Encyclopedia
“St. John the Evangelist” Article (
from Catholic Encyclopedia
Articles on the Web
Bennema, Cornelis (
Spirit Baptism in the Fourth Gospel: A Messianic Reading of John 1:33 in Biblica 84 (2003) 35-60
Head, Peter M. (
The Habits of New Testament Copyists Singular Readings in the Early Fragmentary Papyri of John in Biblica 85 (2004) 399-408
Labahn, M. (
“Between Tradition and Literary Art”. The Use of the Miracle Tradition in the Fourth Gospel. An Article by M. Labahn in Biblica Volume 80 (1999)
Levieils, Xavier (
“Juifs et Grecs dans la communauté johannique” in Biblica 82 (2001) 51-78
Meier, John (
“The Historical Jesus and the Historical Samaritans.” An article by John Meier in Biblica Vol 81 (2000)
Müller, Christoph G. (
Der Zeuge und Das Licht: John 1,1 – 4,3 und das Darstellungsprinzip der su/gkrisij in Biblica 84 (2003) 479-509
Niklas, Tobias (
‘153 große Fische’ (Joh 21,11) Erzählerische Ökonomie und ‘johanneischer Überstieg’ in Biblica 84 (2003) 366-387
Roose, Hanna (
Joh 20,30f.: Ein (un)passender Schluss? Joh 9 und 11 als primäre Verweisstellen der Schlussnotiz des Johannesevangeliums in Biblica 84 (2003) 326-343
Watson, A. (
“Jesus and the Adulteress”. An online version of the Article from Biblica Volume 80 (1999)
Wick, Peter (
Jesus gegen Dionysos? Ein Beitrag zur Kontextualisierung des Johannesevangeliums in Biblica 85 (2004) 179-198
The Acts of the Apostles
General Sites
The Acts of the Apostles (
A Compendium of Texts and Online Resources on the Acts of the Apostles
Lectionary Resources: Acts (
This section lists all text of Acts used in the Lectionary with complete hyperlinks to recourses for analysis of each text, and hyperlinks to the liturgical celebrations in which they are utilized
General Resources for the Acts of the Apostles (
These General Resources for the Acts of the Apostles contain several internet links, articles, and reviews pertinent to the Acts of the Apostles
NAB Introduction tot he Acts of the Apostles (
The New American Bible Introduction to the Acts of the Apostles
The Acts of the Apostles (
Online course materials for the Acts of the Apostles by Barry D. Smith
Encyclopedia Articles
“The Acts of the Apostles” Article (
From the Catholic Encyclopedia
Brenk, Frederick E. (
The “Notorious Felix” Procurator of Judea and his Many Wives (Acts 23-24) in Biblica 82 (2001) 410-417
Kilgallen, J.J. (
“The Apostles whom he chose because of the Holy Spirit: A Suggestion Regarding Acts 1,2 in Biblica 81 (2000) 414-417
Kilgallen, J. J, (
“With Many other Words” (Acts 2,40) Theological Assumptions in Peter’s Pentecost Speech in Biblica 83 (2002) 71-87
Kilgallen, J. J. (
Hostility to Paul in Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13, 45) Why? in Biblica 84 (2003) 1-15
Litwak, Kenneth D. (
Israel’s Prophets Meet Athens’ Philosophers: Scriptural Echoes in Acts 17, 22-31 in Biblica 85 (2004) 199-216
Parker, Floyd (
The Terms “Angel” and “Spirit” in Acts 23,8 in Biblica 84 (2003) 344-365.
Strelan, Rick (
Who was Bar Jesus (Acts 13,6-12) in Biblica 85 (2004) 65-81
Pauline Literature
Pauline Section of Text this Week (
The Text this Week section on Paul contains may resources, articles on Paul and the Pauline corpus
Pauline Section of NT Gateway (
The Paul section of the New Testament Gateway site contains links to texts, articles and discussion groups on Paul and the Pauline Corpus
Bibliography on Paul and NT Letters (
The Spring Hill College Bibliography on Paul and the New Testament Letters contains an extensive bibliography of works for the study of the Pauline Corpus
The Book of Revelation
Lectionary Resources: Revelation (
This section lists all text of Revelation used in the Lectionary with complete hyperlinks to recourses for analysis of each text, and hyperlinks to the liturgical celebrations in which they are utilized
General Resources: Revelation (
These General Resources for the Book of Revelation contain several internet links, articles, and reviews pertinent to the Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation (
The Book of Revelation, Apocaltypic and Millennial Websites and Materials. This site contains many links on material on the Book of Revelation and other Apocalyptic web sites.
“Symbols of the Four Evangelists” (
A growing page of materials and images on the “Symbols of the Four Evangelists”
Biblical Languages
Greek Fonts site (
Greek Fonts site contains free fonts offered for MS-DOS (SVGA), Windows, Macintosh etc. along with information for using these fonts to view Greek on the Internet.
Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology (
This site is dedicated to the theory described in Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology by R. Beard. IT contains links to dictionaries and grammars etc.
Interactive Greek Tutorial (
An interactive Greek tutorial, with RealAudio samples to teach pronunciation, an interactive flashcard, and loads of scriptural examples
Software for Classicists (
Software for Classicists and It Resources is a library of fonts, grammar materials, macros
Little Greek (
This is a site containing resources and tips for learning koine or biblical Greek
B-Greek (
B-Greek is a mailing list for scholar study of biblical Greek and the biblical Greek texts. Includes searchable archives.
B-Hebrew (
A mailing list for scholarly study of biblical Hebrew and the biblical Hebrew texts. Includes searchable Archives.
A Greek Grammar for Colleges (
Herbert Weir Smyth, A Greek Grammar for Colleges is an on line version of the will known Smyth Greek Grammar.
New Latin Grammar (,00002)
Allen and Greenough’s New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges is an online version of the well known Latin Grammar.
Humanities Computing
CTI Textual Studies (
Formerly, Humanities Computing at Oxford is a centralized collection of links to all the humanities computing efforts at Oxford University. Contains links to such efforts as the Center for Humanities Computing, the Humbul Gateway (international resources for the humanities), projects undertaken at various departments at Oxford, and a variety of other important resources.
James J. O’Donnel’s Web Page (
This web page is an interactive WWW exploration and demonstration of tpractical applications of Internet technology for teaching.
Robert Kraft’s Home Page (
This home page containing links to materials from several of his classes on Dead Sea Scrolls and Early Judaism.
The iLove Languages Pages ( )
This is a comprehensive catalog of language-related Internet resources compiled by Tyler Jones. It includes online language lessons (in ancient and modern languages), dictionaries, texts, etc.)
Text Analysis Computer Tools (
TACT is a system of 15 programs for MS-DOS, is designed to do text-retrieval and analysis on literary works. Typically, researchers use TACT to retrieve occurrences of a word, word pattern, or word combination. Output takes the form of a concordance, a list, or a table. Programs also can do simple kinds of analysis, such as sorted frequencies of letters, words or phrases, type-token statistics, or ranking of collocates to a word by their strength of association
University of Pennsylvania: Electronic Resources for Courses (
Basic Electronic Resources for Courses provided by the University of Pennsylvania. There are links to web sites that can help professors in developing electronic materials for classroom or online presentation.
Electronic Texts
ALEX Catalogue of Electronic Texts (
ALEX Catalogue of Electronic Texts is/was an informal research project whose purpose was to explore the possibilitites creating catalogs of Internet-based electronic texts. Originally conceived by Hunter Monroe in 1993-4, the catalog contains roughly 2,000 entries mostly on gopher servers. It includes works from Project Gutenberg, Wiretap, the On-Line Book Initiative, CCAT, the Eris system at Virginia tech etc.
Center for the Computer Analysis of Texts (
CCAT offers a wide variety of texts and software at their site. Many morphologically analyzed biblical texts.
Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents (
The Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents was established in 1995 under the auspices of Oxford University’s Faculty of Literae Humaniores to provide a focus for the study of ancient documents within Oxford. Over the last six years it has developed into a research centre of national and international importance
Center for Textual Studies (
The Centre for Textual Studies is one of twenty-three Computers in Teaching Initiative (CTI) Centres for Textual Studies, established to promote the use of computers in university teaching. This homepage offers access to the Centre’s Resources Guide, which is an introduction to the software, techniques and literature of electronic textual analysis for academics seeking to us computers in teaching and research.
Crosswire Bible Society: Bible Tool (
The Bible Tool is a free, evolving open source tool for exploring the Bible and related texts online. Created by CrossWire Bible Society, the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Bible Society as the first in a number of coming Bible engagement tools using an XML standard called OSIS, we provide power searching capabilities and cutting edge tools to help you engage the Bible at a deeper level.
Duke Papyrus Archive (
This is the Special Collections Library at Duke University has undertaken to provide electronic access to the largely unpublished Duke papyrus collection of papyri from ancient Egypt. The usefulness of this site is enhanced by the provision of both basic and advanced information on papyri in general and their languages.
The Electronic New Testament Manuscripts Project (http://www/ )
The Electronic New Testament Manuscripts Project is “…an international, scholarly, volunteer effort to make images and transcriptions of New Testament manuscripts available freely on the Internet.” presently in its pilot phase.
The Electronic Text Center (
The Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia. Online versions of English, French, German, Japanese and Latin texts, and links to many other resources.
The Gramcord Institute (
The GRAMCORD Institute’s World Wide Website is intended for visitors who are interested in Biblical Greek and Hebrew — and Biblical Studies software in general. It provides having access to scholarly information, forum archives, technical support bulletins, news about Institute research and software development, and links to many other Biblical text and Biblical language-related Internet WWW sites. The site is sponsored by the non-profit GRAMCORD Institute as a free public service to the Biblical studies community.
The International Organization for the Septuagint and Cognate Studies (
The International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS) is a nonprofit, learned society formed to promote international research in and study of the Septuagint and related texts. By the term Septuagint is meant the ancient translations of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, including both the translation of the Pentateuch and that of the other books of the “Alexandrian Canon.” By the term cognate studies is meant the study of the ancient translations made from the Septuagint (“daughter versions”) and the so-called apocryphal and pseudepigraphical literature circulating around the turn of the era
The Morphologically Analyzed Septuagint ( Morphologically analyzed version of the Septuagint by CATSS Staff of University of Pennsylvania The New Media Bible ( New Media Bible is sponsored by the American Bible Society. The Scholars who are working on this project realize that the Bible has passed through many media transformations in the course of human history; from ancient stories told, to handwritten manuscripts, to the printed page. This project is a transformation of the Bible into yet another medium, the electronic media of the 21st century. The Online Books Page ( is an offering of public domain electronic texts. The primary areas of interest are Religious and Classics. Papyrology Home page ( Papyrology page includes links to various data banks of papyri including the Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri which can be either browsed or searched. The resources contained are invaluable resources for research of the New Testament period. Textual Criticism and Manuscript Interpretation ( is a site maintained by David L. Moore containing facsimiles, and links to various NT manuscripts. The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Project ( is the Gopher Server of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Project of at the University of California, Irvine Scholarly Societies The American Academy of Religion ( The Societ for Biblical Literature ( Catholic Biblical Association of America (
Internet resources of Scholarly Societies
AcqWeb (
AcqWeb is a website for librarians interested in acquisitions or collection development. Also excellent for scholars seeking contact information for publishers, libraries on Internet and host of other bibliographic information.
Andover Harvard Theological Library (
Basic information concerning library and its collections.
The Calgary Libraries Automated Virtual Information System (Clavis) Home Page allows searching of the University Library’s holdings by author, title or subject. Research findings can then be mailed to an e-mail address.
Duke University Library (
Duke University Online Catalog
Emory University Library (
The Library of Emory University where one can find Euclid on the Web. The Emory University Search service.
The University of South Florida Library
The University of South Florida Library Virtual Online Library
Heard Library of Vanderbilt University (
The Jean and Alexander Heard Library of Vanderbilt University
Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (
This library contains information concerning the project of making the library of more than 90,000 volumes in libraries and archives of classical and medieval handwritten manuscripts available in electronic format.
Hollis Library Catalog (
The Hollis Library Catalog of Harvard University will permit you to email data to your address. That data can then be translated into a form readable by Citation 8.
Illinet (Illinois Consortium of Libraries) (
ILLINET Online is a resource sharing system for the 44 ILCSO Libraries.
Library Gopher (
This is Gopher site which contains links to several others libraries throughout the world which have online catalogs.
The Library of Congress (
The Library of Congress Catalog Experimental Search site allows searching of the holdings of the Library by Author, Title or Subject and has the capability of sending results to your email address.
The Library of Congress Catalog (
WWW Page is maintained by the Library of Congress. It allows the searching of the Library of Congress On Line Catalog (OCLC). It also has links to resources in the classics and electronic texts.
Marquette University Online Research (
This site allows searching of the Marquette Memorial and Science Libraries as well as linking to other sites on the Internet
Oberon Library Database (
Oberon Library database (libraries available through Oberon Software) for use with Biblio [Citation8] and Biblio4 [Nota Bene Ibidem Software]
Pitts Theological Library (
Pitts Library at Emory University. This page provides a guide to the resources of this library and on the internet in general
Regenstein Library (
The Regenstein Library of the University of Chicago. Online Catalog which is searchable.
Vanderbilt Divinity Library (
The Vanderbilt Divinity Library home page contains links to Internet resources for religious and theological research, guides for research in religion, bibliographies for religious and theological research
Electronic Journals
Biblical Studies on the Web ( Studies on the Web is a new exegetical journal exclusively published on the World Wide Web, dedicated to the study of Jewish and Christian Biblical Theology New Testament Gateway Journals ( is a listing of Journals Electronic and otherwise of interest to scholars and students of the bible, It ois provided by Dr. Mark Goodacre.
Bibliographic Software
Citation 8 ( 8 Biblio Software is a Windows bibliographic software produce by The Nota Bene Corporation who are known for their Note Bene and Ibidem software. This is a windows variant of the Ibidem software. Information on Electronic Citation Information on Electronic Citation is a list of articles and sites that have information pertinent to citation in electronic documents. Endnote ( is bibliographic software produced by Thompson Research Soft which makes Footnoting and bibliography maintenance an easy Chore. Used by millions of researchers, students and librarians, EndNote 8 expands easy bibliographies to any language, allows you to build libraries of any size and more. With EndNote you can search online bibliographic databases, organize references and images, and create instant bibliographies. Endnote 8 demonstrates the ongoing commitment of ISI ResearchSoft to improve core features that make EndNote an essential tool for your research, writing and publishing needs.
Biblical Software
Logos Libronix (
Biblio 8.0 (
Bibloi 8.0 is the continuation of the Bible Windows product (See, What happened to Bible Windows?). The major new feature is the ability to add texts to the program. Bibloi includes a C# program that reads texts into an MS Access database that can then be used in Bibloi. The source code for this program will be available on request to registered users. So, while there are a number of formats supported, users could extend the import program to include other formats. The import program and Bibloi are Unicode compatible so that a wide variety of translations and texts can be imported. |
Bible Works 6.0 (
BibleWorks is the premier original languages Bible software program. It comes with Greek, Hebrew, and Septuagint Bibles for your computer, as well as translations in English, German, Spanish, and many other languages!
Olive Tree Bible Software (
Olive Tree Bible Software provides Bibles and Bible study tools for Palm OS, Pocket PC, Smartphone and Symbian devices. The Bible for handheld PDA’s such as Palm Tungsten, Zire 71, Sony Clie, Handspring Treo, Visor, Ipaq, Axim, Jornada, Toshiba, Casseopia, and some SmartPhones (Palm and Microsoft).
Quick Verse 8.0 (
Quick Verse is reasonably priced software for biblical studies for both the Desktop, Palm or Pocket PC’s
Images for Biblical Studies
Eikon Images Database ( Images Database for biblical studies is a site that contains images of interest to teachers of biblical studies and early christianity. It contains images organized by Biblical book, Geographical Location, Cultural affiliation and topic Holy Land Photos ( collection of 44 sites with 390 photos of the Holy Land compiled by Carl Ramussen. Its purpose is to provide quality photos of the biblical sites free of charge to teachers and others interested in biblical studies. Images at NT Gateway ( art and images of Dr. Mark Goodacre’s New Testament web site containing severals links to artwork and images concerning the New Testament and early Christian Literature. Religious Art ( Art collection of Felix Just, especially art partaining to the gospel of John and the Book of Revelation |